If you are an owner or resident at Aladdin Villas, you may request access to internal information by sending an email to TechTeam@AladdinVillas.org with the following information:
1) First and Last Name 2) Email address 3) Aladdin Street Address.
If you are an owner or resident at Aladdin Villas, you may reserve a room or location for an upcoming activity or event by contacting Pam Frisoni at:
1) text 603-320-6147, 2) email pdfris@aol.com, or 3) call 603-320-6147
Residents’ Office hours (help with questions about Aladdin Villas properties, register new property owners and renters, and to assist when ready to sell your property):
Winter (October through April): Monday & Wednesday 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Summer (May through September): Monday only 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Corporate Treasurer’s Office hours: Monday only 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Activities Treasurer’s Office hours: Wednesdays only 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
The tropical sun and warm valley air goes perfect with any of your favorite indoor or outdoor activities.
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