If you are an owner or resident at Aladdin Villas, you may request access to internal information by sending an email to TechTeam@AladdinVillas.org with the following information:
     1) First and Last Name  2) Email address  3) Aladdin Street Address.

If you are an owner or resident at Aladdin Villas, you may reserve a room or location for an upcoming activity or event by contacting Pam Frisoni at:
     1) text 603-320-6147,  2) email pdfris@aol.com,  or 3) call 603-320-6147

Residents’ Office hours (help with questions about Aladdin Villas properties, register new property owners and renters, and to assist when ready to sell your property):
     Winter (October through April):        Monday & Wednesday 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
     Summer (May through September): Monday only 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Corporate Treasurer’s Office hours:     Monday only 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Activities Treasurer’s Office hours:      Wednesdays only 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM



The tropical sun and warm valley air goes perfect with any of your favorite indoor or outdoor activities.
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Nothing beats a great meal with good friends and delicious food! Check out what’s on the menu on our calendar/meals at Aladdin Villas!
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Things to do and Places to see!

McAllen, Mission and surrounding communities have an abundance of activities and interesting places of interest that will entertain you under the warm South Texas sun.
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